Subcontractor/Supplier Information Form – Short Online Form for Companies New to Lamp Incorporated

Subcontractors and Suppliers: Please fill out the form on this page to add your information to our bid system.

  • Lamp Incorporated utilizes SmartBid construction bid software – You DO NOT need to be a member to receive our invites, and you can download the plans for free. Provide the best email address(s) and contacts to receive invitations to bid by filling out our form, and we will enter your information into SmartBid.
  • If you are MBE or WBE, please email a copy of your certification(s) to

If you have questions or need assistance, please email Kari ( or reach her direct at (847) 741-7220 x 315.

Subcontractor Information Form

Trades Bid/UCI Code Instructions

EITHER enter trade bid/UCI code(s) in the field below – OR – select in the list below.

(select multiple codes by pressing ‘CTRL’ on your keyboard while clicking codes with your mouse)

3 + 1 = ?